2Solar Reporting module
The right information
at the right time
Leads, statuses, statistics and management information. Choose for an optimal overview and insights at any time. This module is great advance and helps you move forward.
Because the state of affairs is always important
Monthly, weekly or real-time. Insight into the state of affairs is always important. For managers, employees and for the future of your company. 2Solar offers statistics and reports with which you can steer and adjust. At any time.

Extensive statistics
Fast service & short lines
Implementation & Support
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Insight per role
Who sees what. With the careful role system and rights management you capture this accurately and with just a few clicks. Easily distinguish between the rights of management, managers and employees. This way everyone sees exactly what they need. No more and no less.

Insight internal processes
Customers, projects, relations, sales: all data in one place. Overview, insight and control for everyone in your company.
View productMake your quotes smarter and faster with data from your installation plan, automatic calculations and clear templates.
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