2Solar’s Lead Scan

Specifically designed to support companies in the solar industry to improve their lead qualification.

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The key to success in the challenging sustainable energy market.

To continue to grow within the challenging renewable energy market, it is essential to generate quality requests. In a constantly changing market with a plethora of offers for consumers, you face challenges as a company. You may lack the necessary time to invest effectively in lead generation and qualification.

In that case,2Solar‘s Lead Scan offers the solution.

Leads appear directly in 2Solar with the required information

All qualification information is easily visible in one overview

Clear insight into profitable lead generation

Start improving your lead qualification process now

Visitors to your website specifically search for your company and orientate on buying solar panels, looking for a reliable installer with good value for money. This is where the 2Solar Lead Scan, which uses data from Zonatlas, comes in handy. It is specifically designed to support companies in the solar industry to improve their lead qualification.

A roof scan offers convenience and efficiency

By offering a roof scan on your website, you help these potential customers quickly find an answer to the question: is my roof suitable for solar panels and what will be the cost if I commission your company to do so? Based on the applicant’s address and additional information such as roofing and the number of people in the household, the roof scan can suggest a sample solar panel system. Meanwhile, concrete requests come to you that you can convert into new customers.

quote request process

Efficient follow ups

Using this advanced tool, you can not only better qualify the traffic on your own website, but also optimise your sales strategies and achieve significant growth. This allows you to spend your time efficiently on requests that can actually be followed up.

Take advantage of the 2Solar Lead Scan

Do you also want to benefit from optimised lead qualification and valuable customer insights? Discover how the Solar Lead Scan can benefit your company! Get in contact with your account manager for more information or to request a demo.

Proven success: Holland Climate Group

“A particularly valuable feature of the 2Solar Lead Scan is the ability for our customers to calculate solar panels on any roof in the Netherlands in a user-friendly way. This is supported by Zonatlas data, which gives a very accurate picture of the solar potential of buildings. This gives customers an immediate concrete picture of the possibilities and investments, which enables us to take up the sales process in a very targeted way.’
– Pieter van Dijk, Owner Holland Climate Group

Proven success: Holland Climate Group

“A particularly valuable feature of the 2Solar Lead Scan is the ability for our customers to calculate solar panels on any roof in the Netherlands in a user-friendly way. This is supported by Zonatlas data, which gives a very accurate picture of the solar potential of buildings. This gives customers an immediate concrete picture of the possibilities and investments, which enables us to take up the sales process in a very targeted way.’

Efficiency with lead generators

With 2Solar it is possible to connect with multiple lead generators, so that requests from these websites will land directly into our software. That way, you can follow up on them quickly and efficiently. Since you pay per lead, it is important to be able to discern the most profitable lead generators. With our dashboard, you can instantly see which websites generate the most qualitative enquiries.

2Solar is linked to these lead generators, among others

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Benefit from optimised lead qualification

Do you also want to benefit from optimised lead qualification and valuable customer insights? Find out what the Solar Lead Scan can do for your business!

Get in contact with your account manager for more information or to request a demo.

Inspection Created with Sketch.

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