Tips & Tricks

Monitoring the quality of your leads

You can bring in hundreds leads every month, but if none of them go through, you won’t grow. Of course, the quality of the leads is very important. But what is ‘quality’ and how do you monitor it? Continue reading for our tips.

Assess the data entered

You can save yourself a lot of time by looking critically at the data entered. Did the prospect enter 0612345678 as a phone number? Chances are the request is less serious. Does the e-mail address seem invalid or does the name entered seem a bit general or random? It may look like your prospect is not ready for the next step in the sales process. Consider whether your time would be better spent on more promising leads.

Lead qualification questions

To assess the quality of a lead in advance, you can ask several ‘lead qualification’ questions. The ‘BANT model’ (budget, authority, need and time) is widely used in B2B sales, but with a few modifications, it also applies to lead qualification for sustainable energy installations. With it, you try to answer the following questions:

  • Budget: How much budget is available? Can’t or won’t your prospect raise the investment right away? Then consider offering financing options;
  • Authority: Is the contact person a decision-maker within the company or do they own the company?;
  • Need: What are the prospect’s needs and do they already know concretely what they want, or are they still exploratory?;
  • Time: Within what time frame does your prospect want to buy your product?

We add a criterion to this model: location. You can read more about that below.

By asking one or more of the above questions, you will be able to better assess the chances of success in advance. You can even pre-select by incorporating the above questions into the lead forms or roof scan on your website.

Insight into origins

In addition, make sure you have insight into the origin of a request. Does it come in via a lead generator, if so which one? Or did the request come in via your website? These are all important insights to determine whether a specific channel, such as a lead generator, is worth the investment.

Do a remote location scan

Does the application look promising? Then use the Design Module to see if the site lends itself to solar panels. Check that the roof and orientation are suitable and that trees and objects do not obstruct the project.

If all this looks good, there is nothing to stop you from preparing an irresistible proposal. Do you want to be sure your proposals are being opened and read? Read more about it here.