Success Story: Solar Costa Blanca

How Solar Costa Blanca used 2Solar by Sollit to gain a competitive advantage. 

Solar Costa Blanca

In the last decade, interest in renewable energies has grown exponentially worldwide, and Spain is no exception. Thanks to the abundance of sunny days over there, solar energy is presented as a viable and sustainable option for residential self-consumption.   

In this context, companies like Solar Costa Blanca are at the forefront of the solar revolution.  

Solar Costa Blanca began its journey in the Netherlands more than 7 years ago, standing out as leader in solar energy, and they have brought their extensive experience to the Costa Blanca, in Alicante, Spain. 

One of the fundamental points of Solar Costa Blanca is that they prioritize quality and speed in their installations, always looking for ways to serve more clients without losing the personalized attention that characterizes their business. 

In this case study we explore how 2Solar by Sollit has been a competitive advantage and a success story for Solar Costa Blanca. 

Caso de Éxito - Solar Costa Blanca

Challenges of the Solar Industry Before the Adoption of Technologies like 2Solar  

The solar energy sector, although promising, comes with inherent challenges that can hinder the growth and efficiency of companies that do not adopt advanced technological solutions.   

Many companies in the sector face problems such as inefficient customer management, slow processing of documentation, and language barriers that complicate interaction with a diverse clientele.   

These challenges not only reduce responsiveness and efficiency, but also significantly limit the ability to scale operations effectively.  

The advantage for Solar Costa Blanca: Early adoption of 2Solar  

Unlike other companies in the sector that still depend on manual methods, Solar Costa Blanca understood from the beginning the need for an integrated platform that would streamline and optimize its processes.   

Choosing to implement our software from its founding allowed them to overcome several operational challenges common in the industry.  

According to what Kim Wolters – Sales Manager of Solar Costa Blanca – tells us: “The implementation of 2Solar has brought substantial improvements in operational efficiency, allowing Solar Costa Blanca to process leads and manage solar installation projects more quickly and with fewer errors than its competitors.”   

This ability to efficiently manage all stages of the sales and after-sales cycle is not only improving its competitive position but is also setting an example in the market for the importance of technology in the evolution of the solar sector.  

Solar Costa Blanca

Benefits of 2Solar for Solar Costa Blanca  

The integration of our software has given Solar Costa Blanca a series of operational and strategic benefits that distinguish the company from its competitors that have not yet adopted advanced technological solutions.  

Our software has revolutionized their approach to customer management, optimizing everything from lead capture to after-sales service.   

One of the biggest advantages has been the automation of the customer follow-up process and quote generation. What previously took hours is now done within minutes with outstanding precision and customization. Additionally, documentation and compliance management have been greatly simplified. 

The multilingual support of our software has also been essential to serve the company’s diverse customer base and allowing us to address a common problem on the coast of Alicante, where there are German, Dutch, English, Russian, and residents of multiple nationalities.  

Comparative results: Solar Costa Blanca vs. competence  

The impact of our 2Solar technology at Solar Costa Blanca is manifested not only in the improvement of internal processes but also in tangible commercial results that contrast significantly with those of companies that do not use this type of solution. Solar Costa Blanca has noticed the following benefits: 

  • A notable increase in operational efficiency: With a reduction of up to 80% in time dedicated to administrative tasks, allowing staff to concentrate on activities with greater added value 
  • Rapid offer creation: According to Kim, they can prepare quotes within 5 minutes, while for other companies with more traditional processes, this can take several hours 
  • Increased lead conversion rate: In terms of sales growth, Solar Costa Blanca has doubled its lead conversion rate thanks to faster responses and more precise offers.   
  • Increased customer loyalty: Due to the software’s ability to deliver a more personalized and efficient customer experience 

Top 5 aspects that Solar Costa Blanca values most about 2Solar  

Solar Costa Blanca has identified a series of 2Solar features that have been fundamental to its success. Here we elaborate on the five most valued aspects:  

  1. All-in-one: Solar Costa Blanca greatly values the ability of our software to integrate multiple functionalities into a single platform. This eliminates the need for multiple systems and significantly simplifies the management of all aspects of the business, from lead capture to post-sales, permit management and billing.
  2. Customer Service: The customer support provided by our team is highly appreciated by Solar Costa Blanca. The quick response to queries and problems ensures that the company’s operations are never compromised.  
  3. Standardization: The standardization of processes that we offer facilitates consistency and efficiency in all operations. Solar Costa Blanca highlights how this aspect has significantly improved uniformity in the quality of service and customer experience.  
  4. Adjustment to Specific Needs: The flexibility to adapt the software to the specific needs of Solar Costa Blanca is crucial. They can customize the software to their requirements without external assistance, allowing them greater autonomy and adaptability.  
  5. Growth and Scalability: Finally, Solar Costa Blanca values our ability to scale along with its growth. The software allows them to manage a larger volume of leads more efficiently. This has been essential in doubling their sales, a goal that many comparable companies still struggle to achieve.  


The story of Solar Costa Blanca illustrates the transformative impact that a technological solution like our software can have on a company dedicated to solar energy.

From improved customer and process management to increased sales and operational efficiency, the changes our software has enabled are a testament to how the right technology can catalyze business growth in the renewable energy sector.  

If you are considering optimizing the processes of your solar installation company, or if you are looking to expand your capabilities to include more clients and manage larger projects, we invite you to consider 2Solar by Sollit as your technological ally.