2Solar Delivery Module
Smooth checks and deliveries
Checklists, delivery documents, material lists, delivery reports: everything in 2Solars platform. For you and your colleagues.
Complete delivery, perfect delivery
with the 2Solar delivery module
Good for each other. Or rather: perfect for each other. The 2Solar delivery module thinks along with everything, so that you deliver your project worry-free and error-free. From assembly planning to ready reporting, from checklist to online signing for approval. You can arrange it easily and quickly on your tablet or mobile.
Digital delivery report

Complete checklists
Fast service & short lines
Implementation & Support
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On smartphone and tablet
View assembly planning

Download documents work preparation
From quote to invoice in a few clicks. In your house style of course. And linked to your existing packages.
View productPeople and teams, installations and service, sales and emails. You can plan everything with ease and maximum overview.
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