2Solar Monitoring module
Even after delivery
visibility and grip
on your installations
Check and manage your solar panel installations remotely and at any time. Useful for you and an attractive service for your customer.
Status, service, malfuntion: always in control with the monitoring tool
Your projects are completed after delivery, the checking and service continue as usual. Very easy with the monitoring tool. Real-time insight into data, automatic notification of defects and alerts when the system is on or off. That’s also 2Solar.

Control over solar systems
Automatic notifications
No more long-term defects or failures, because with 2Solar you are assured that everything is working. You will receive automatic notifications if your installation is not functioning properly. Output, mains voltage or signal, with this tool you see everything.

Insight. Always and everywhere
On/off alerts installation

Fast service & short lines
Implementation & Support
Try one week for free
Leads, statuses, statistics and management information. Go for optimum overview and insight, at any time.
View productCustomers, projects, relations, sales: all data in one place. Overview, insight and control for everyone in your company.
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