Solar panel software for business projects
Great installation plans,
quick calculations,
successful projects
Manage your business solar projects with ease. Design up to 5,000 solar panels per installation plan. Calculate shadow impact, maximum yield and grants. Connect all external parties. 2Solar software makes it possible. All within one smart solution.

Smart software for business
sized solar projects
Automate all your processes with the customized modules from 2Solar. Design installation plans quickly and accurately. Manage your assembly teams, installations and sales planning with ease. Control and adjust based on exact statistics and thorough reports. With 2Solar, large projects are a bigger succes.

View of the scope,
control of processes
• Pre-view of scope, margins and revenues
• Clear, simple subscription module instead of time-consuming CAT drawings
• Every team and cooperation partner linked in one system
• Leads, statuses and management information: all data always in place
Robbert-Jan van de Worp
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