2Solar Stories: Meet Willem Janke

Willem Janke

Who are you?
I’m Willem Janke, 42 years old, and a father of three. I live in Biddinghuizen, enjoying the wide-open spaces and countryside of Flevoland. Fun fact: some of the best parties happen right in my backyard, with Lowlands and Defqon.1 being two of the highlights. And of course, an occasional BBQ. 


What is your role at 2Solar and how has it evolved since you started working at 2Solar?
I’m Tech Lead at 2Solar. I actually started as the very first developer working on what has now become our current solution. Over the years, with my deep experience in the software and development process, I’ve also become the go-to person for specific (and rare!) bugs. We always aim to resolve issues as quickly as possible, and I’m proud to be part of that process. 


You have been with 2Solar since our inception in 2013… how has the company changed ever since?
I started a bit earlier, in May 2012, at Seed2Lead (a venture that came before 2Solar). When Erik-Jan van de Worp introduced the initial idea that would later become 2Solar, we experimented with various sales models. At first, we worked through distributors, allowing their clients to order directly from their warehouses using our software. Soon, however, we shifted our focus to solar installers, as we realized this was where we could make a bigger impact on the energy transition while helping installers run more efficient and profitable businesses. 

It’s been incredible to watch the company grow. We went from being pioneers in this space to becoming the market leader in the Benelux. Like with any great idea, it took a bit of time to gain momentum, but once the market saw the potential, things really took off! 


What are you most proud of about 2Solar?
The proudest I still am to this day is that we grew from a 2 men-fun project to a fully-fledged healthy 70+ employee company. Watching this growth in real-time has been an amazing experience. 


What does the value ‘Everybody counts’ mean to you?
To me, ‘Everybody Counts’ means that every voice matters. No one is left out, and our flat organizational structure encourages everyone to speak up. Erik-Jan is just another colleague. Every person here is equally valuable, and each brings something unique to the table.